The Garman Way


The Garman Way is a seven-step process to bring predictability to a historically unpredictable process of hiring the right person into the right seat in an organization.

We rely on data analytics, behavioral-based interviewing, creative referencing, and cognitive testing to validate the gut feeling that the art of hiring invokes. Our approach is based on three key concepts: Head, Heart & Briefcase, which drive our searches. This process is people-focused with built-in flexibility to ensure we work within your parameters, but also look at creative ways to solve your talent issues.

Beyond this, we have baked in our experience of putting together complex deals to make sure things go as smoothly as possible. Whether in the offer or acceptance process, onboarding a critical hire, or long-term retention, we apply our proven methods to increase the likelihood of a long-term, successful hire.


Getting Started

Within five days of a signed Engagement Agreement, Garman Partners will kick off the Launch stage. The goal of this stage is to align on Head, Heart & Briefcase and capture the full picture of the best candidate in the Search Specification Document.


Finding the Match

72 hours from the approved Search Specification Document, our Search Consultants begin the search to find the best-fitting candidate with the goal of you gaining approval to move forward with the submitted candidate for selection.


Creating a Connection

Once a Short List Candidate has informal approval, Garman Partners does the work of preparing both parties for interview and selection. Our goal is to ensure the Submitted Candidate is indeed the best-fitting match to hire.


Making the Offer

The hire stage bridges the selection and onboarding stages. At this stage Garman Partners works closely with both you and the Selected Candidate to negotiate the offer and close the deal without issue.


Getting on Board

The beginning of this stage includes a period where it is crucial that Garman Partners prepares the Placed Candidate for resignation and potential counteroffers. It is important to solidify your relationship with the Placed Candidate through onboarding.


Assessing the Outcome

Garman Partners is constantly improving our processes to lead to better outcomes. 100 days post a successful hire, we collect feedback from you, your new Team Member and our internal team. At this time, our involvement with the new hire will end.


Building Relationships

Garman Partners believes that partner is a verb. Once a candidate has been placed and we’ve evaluated the outcome, we strive to partner with you in the future, building upon what we’ve learned together in the process.

Interested in talking to us about the world of Solving People Problems?

Reach out and tell us more. But before you do, remember, our firm is not for the timid, or those that are scared of personal and professional growth. It’s only for those with a bias for action and care deeply about the people we serve.